Public-Private Partnerships Live Course

Public-Private Partnerships Live Course

All training and discount information you need to know for the Public-Private Partnerships Live Course.

We need new infrastructure. Roads, airports, schools, hospitals and housing: the list is enormous and growing. Yet severely limited budgets, economic uncertainty caused by volatile commodity prices, and deficits continue to prevent government at all levels from delivering the kinds of structural change that has always been needed. In response, some countries have developed successful PPP programmes. Merely grasping the concepts of PPP does not do justice to our great responsibility of having an ownership in the country’s future. We already know what we need to do, now is the time to really discover HOW.


6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17 October 2025


11am – 2pm GMT



Discount information for Public-Private Partnerships Live Course available below!


Infocus International


Live Online Course

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Benefits of Attenting


Further information is available on the website of the course organizer.

Course Sessions

  1. PPP policies, strategies, laws & units for implementing successful PPP transactions
  2. Identifying & selecting appropriate projects for PPPs
  3. Models for analyzing PPP projects
  4. Managing & completing PPP feasibility studies
  5. Financing techniques for PPP to ensure long-term PPP bankability and affordability
  6. Managing and overseeing PPP procurements & achieving transaction closure
  7. PPP stakeholder management & sustainability techniques
  8. Managing long-term PPP contracts for ensuring service delivery, price regulation, and dispute resolution

How it works

This online workshop features rigorous new interactive methodology that require attendees to demonstrate their understanding with each module’s practical techniques and learning outcomes. Every 10-15 minutes throughout each session, you will be required to complete either focused review questions for selecting among a range of PPP decisions, or brief group exercise assignments. You should be prepared to actively participate, and not merely to “watch & listen” video presentations.

Case studies of PPP transactions will feature the real-world details of PPP feasibility studies, tender documents, impact assessments, and PPP agreements to provide first-hand understanding of the challenges of PPP transactions. Experiential exercises will place you into the practical roles of key management decision-makers who not only need to analyze and understand PPP investment proposals, but who have to make real-world decisions on transactions. As a result of actively engaging in this program’s methodology, you will be able to make practical decisions on PPP strategies, projects, and transactions for your organizations following the workshop’s completion.

Discount Information

Register 3 persons and benefit from a group discount.

Location Details:Public-Private Partnerships Live Course

Live Online Course

Visit Infocus International for further information.

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